Cleaning your home isn't the most glamorous job you have. And while we all know the importance of keeping a clean home, we also know that procrastination comes easily. It's difficult to want to clean after a long day at work, or before heading out the door. Time always seems limited, and our minds can often convince us that we are incapable of accomplishing what we set out to get done.
Fortunately, procrastination is not incurable. We have compiled a list of some of the top cleaning tips to help you get past procrastination.

1. Forget about the finish line.
Sometimes we set our sights so high that we become completely overwhelmed by our goal. Instead of focusing on one massive cleaning goal, try breaking it down. If your finish line is eliminating all clutter from your home, chunk it up! Start with something more simple like clearing out your junk drawer or one dresser drawer. Tackling small tasks can guide you to big victories over time, and can show you that you are capable of accomplishing what you set out to do.

2. Work on a mindset shift.
It's incredibly common to view chores as something negative. But what if we tried thinking of chores as a break from the world? Tedious, mindless chores like folding laundry can actually be therapeutic if we can allow ourselves to shift into a meditative state and enjoy the motion of the chore.
3. Get the worst of it out of the way.
Tidying, in reality, is often quite simple. Dusting or simply putting things away can be done quickly and with ease. Something like cleaning the toilet/bathroom or taking out the trash might feel a bit more daunting. But when you get these tasks done first thing in the morning, you can not only cross off one of your most unpleasant chores, you can also eliminate what might be the worst part of your day right away.

4. Create a rewards system.
Giving yourself a reward for completing a difficult task serves as great motivation to get things done. Choose something that you wouldn't normally give to yourself, like a sweet treat or even a nap. Having a system in place can really kick procrastination to the curb when it comes to cleaning your home.

5. Outsource what you can.
Tidying does not have to be only your responsibility. If you are able to call a cleaning service for help, do it! Cleaning services can help you get a head start on your to-do list.
If you skipped spring cleaning this year, call in the experts at Zerorez® for deep cleaning services like carpet cleaning, tile and grout cleaning, upholstery cleaning, and more! Experts recommend having these cleaned every six to eighteen months, depending on usage. Once Zerorez® has completed the job, your only task is to keep it up! Simple things like mopping, sweeping, or vacuuming can be done once a week, and trying to get one load of laundry done every other day can keep your home clean for longer.